Produkte   /   15,7 m³ Ruthmann-Mulde mit Dach
15,7 m³ Ruthmann-Mulde mit Dach
Typ: Ruthmann 4520 Sonder
Produktnummer: 369

This 15.7 m³ skip with cargo loader pickup system was adapted to individual customer requirements.

The completely closed structure with an interior height of 2m has:
- At the bottom at the rear there is an approx. 1,200mm high, spring-loaded and foldable access ramp made of stainless steel tear plate.
- At the top of the rear there is a double-leaf door that can be swung open 270° and has a turn lock made of normal steel.
- On the roof there is a light dome with flat irons to protect against damage
- Inside there is a floor made of stainless steel tear plate that also covers the side walls up to a height of 500mm
- Rubber profiles on the inside of the side walls and on the front at two different heights to protect against damage.
- Inside on the side walls via BISON anchor rails
- 2 gill plates on each side for ventilation of the container

15,7 m³ Ruthmann-Mulde mit Dach
Typ: Ruthmann 4520 Sonder
15,7 m³ Ruthmann-Mulde mit Dach
Typ: Ruthmann 4520 Sonder
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